Now a days, every software development process moving to containerized platform including development, testing, continuous integration, and continuous deployment, etc. Even the Cloud platform providers like Amazon AWS, Google GCP, Microsoft Azure and others provides gives containerize option to make the cloud much flexible and user friendly for time and cost effectiveness.
Docker will be the best option to implement containerized platform to make our work much easier. We can see better memory usage, good performance, best support in application/docker container portability and quick boot-up time when compared with Virtual Machines. Caching the container creation steps, flexible resource sharing, fast deployment, fewer software dependency and strong security makes Docker more famous among other containerize platforms. Also, we can run docker in all the platforms like Linux, Windows, MAC and other Cloud platforms
We can make many customizations in our local Jmeter copy includes custom user and system properties to make our execution smooth and convenient. While migrating our execution from local to Docker Jmeter, it requires more time and customizations to run with exact setting and properties. Many articles available in online to guide Dockerized Jmeter execution from scratch. But this blog post explains more on Jmeter execution migration from Local to Docker platform with predefined Jmeter configuration files which we used for our local Jmeter testing.